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Simulare lo stampaggio di silicone liquido: una case history
Case Study

Simulare lo stampaggio di silicone liquido: una case history

Il 26 e 27 aprile scorsi, a Monaco di Baviera, si è tenuta la conferenza Kunststoffe + Simulation 2016 (Plastica + Simulazione 2016), organizzata dall’editore tedesco Hanser Verlag.

Virtual Production of Challenging Molded Products

Virtual Production of Challenging Molded Products

Between April 26th and 27th the conference Kunststoffe + Simulation 2016 took place. SIGMA Engineering GmbH partnered with Momentive Performance Materials and CVA Silicone...

Partnerships that speak for themselves

Partnerships that speak for themselves

This article about our product Ursula reflects the strong partnerships we have with Momentive, the LSR supplier, and with SigmaSoft, the virtual molding software...

Simulation meets reality: Physical & virtual molding of LSR

Simulation meets reality: Physical & virtual molding of LSR

Growing sophistication in simulating the molding performance of LSR is evident in the case of this exceedingly complex part. Actual molding trials validated the predictions of simulated ‘virtual molding.’...

Mastering the Challenges in LSR Molding

Mastering the Challenges in LSR Molding

Together with the partners Momentive and CVA Silicone, Sigma Engineering demonstrated at Fakuma 2015 how processors can prepare themselves to face the challenges in LSR processing...

Cva Silicone and Sigma at Fakuma 2015

Cva Silicone and Sigma at Fakuma 2015

Mastering the Challenges in LSR Molding Together with the partners Momentive and CVA Silicone, SIGMA shows at Fakuma 2015 how processors can prepare themselves...